Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hayne and Patsy Reese

Hayne and I met in the summer of 1956. I was still 17 years old. When he was in Comanche we spent a lot of our time together with Joe and Margaret Waring at their home at 501 West Wright St. in Comanche.

We both went off to school in the fall, Hayne to the University of Iowa for his second year of graduate school and I to Texas Women's University. We courted by mail and spent Christmas together that winter. In the spring Hayne gave me a ring and the announcement of our engagement was made in the Comanche Chief newspaper.

Hayne worked most of the summer at a Boy Scout camp in North Texas to save money for our wedding trip.  He taught water skiing at Possum Kingdom Lake.

1 comment:

  1. Is Texas Women's in Denton, Texas? My husband had an interview there for a teaching position. He ended up not taking it, though they offered him a handsome sum of money for the day, $8000 a year!
