Mrs. Reese was a considerate and loving mother-in-law whose memory I will always treasure.
Dallas, Tx. Sept 26, 1957
Patsy, Dear:
We got to Dallas last night about six. We stopped off in Grandview to see Tom F's 94 year old aunt Ola. She is remarkable..can get out of bed and sit in a wheel chair.
Then we went to Martin City to see a cousin Tom F. hadn't seen in 45 years. He visited Aunt Ola when he was twelve years old and hasn't seen the cousins since. We went down through Carthage to see another cousin Henry, and they have your house…a huge white frame with great big living room, sun porch (with marble floor) breakfast room, kitchen and glassed in back . Downstairs four bedrooms, a sleeping porch and 2 bathrooms with marble floors and walls half way up.
Their only daughter got married June 14th, and she and her husband are in Yale U. and their son is married and lives in New York.
The trip back was pleasant..cool weather…it had rained last week.
The enclosed bills are for you..put them aside till you get homesick, then go to the show, get haircut, or something. I'm sure that you have already got the apartment all arranged the way you were working. I hope you didn't wear yourself out. We are so happy that Hayne has someone of his own with him. He must have gotten pretty lonesome sometimes. With your nice personality you will soon make lots of friends. I hope there are some nice couples in the apartment (building)
Did you get the TV to work? I hope so they have some good programs.
If you think of anything vital you need, let me know. Idon't remember seeing any pillows in the apartment. I''m sure you will arrange things over a few times till you get them to osuit you. It's all fun, and here's "good housekeeping" to you. Make Hayne help….
Love, Marion
P. S. I'm sending some thread, needles, etc. The recipes are good if you have someone over. They are nota very expensive.
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