Mr. Manning Atwood
Emporia, Texas
Dear Friend:
I received your most welcome
missive day before yesterday & rest assured the contents was duly noted.
Mr. Atwood I was surprised at
you speaking as you did, as I had never thought of such a thing as you
thinking anything of me only as a
friend. But don’t think now that I am mad or anything of the kind, for I am not
mad at all. But if you wish me to say
anything on the subject I will beg you to wait a while. Mr. Atwood, I am not mad with you for
mentioning such a subject to me but I would
rather you had waited a while longer.
I don’t know when I can come
up there. But maybe in this month or in the next if not this will try to come
this month though. If I don’t come by
the 20th of this month I won’t come at all until next month as my
youngest married sister will be here then & I will have to stay with
her. As she is going to move to the
panhandle the first of February & then I don’t know when I will see her
Mama wants to make her a
visit before she moves and then I will have to stay here OU keep house. I will
sure be lonesome then.
Mamie & I have been
having a scrap. She keeps meddling with
things about the table U I have to whip her little hands much to keep her
away.& when I whip her it hurts me worse than it hurts her. But I have to do it or else be always after
her to keep her out of mischief.
Papa told me to tell you he
thanked you very much for your offer but said that those men here was depending
on him & he could not give it up yet awhile & after he does give this
(job) up then if you should happen to be out of a foreman he would be at your
I have not heard from Bro.
Oscar King since about a month before I left Pickens & he was sick
then. We can’t imagine what is the
matter that he don’t write..I have sent one of Mr. Kings pictures off to have
enlarged; it will be here in a day or two. IK guess I am getting awful anxious
for it to come.
I have written no less than a
half dozen letters in the last 3 days & they was all terrible long ones
& I am a little worried & have to write more this evening so I know you
will excuse this uninteresting letter I will try to do better next time.
I will close now
Your true friend
Maggie King Warren, Texas no date.