Margaret gave me a hand made coupon book for Mother's Day when she was about six or seven. the top page was the cover, and the captions included vacuuming, dusting, and washing dishes.
The orange and blue woodcut was always a favorite of mine. I am not sure what year that is from exactly.
Margaret was in an acting group at the University of Buffalo when she was only five. The players ranged in age from five to 22 or so, and their work was all improvisation.
Margaret was very popular with the whole company and had a prominent part in the original play that they staged at the local avant-garde theatre in Buffalo. There were not sets, everybody wore black leotards, and at the end of the show the whole audience was onstage with the players.
By the way, the pillows on the sofa in the dusting and vacuuming pictures have tassels on the corners.
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